Growth Hive Uk

Research & Development
Tax Credits

Are you ready to explore the world of research & development tax credits and discover how it can benefit your business? Let’s get started on the journey to boosting your innovation and growing your company.

If you’re a UK limited company engaged in innovative activities, you may be eligible to benefit from substantial tax incentives.

The Benefits of R&D Tax Relief

R&D Tax Relief is not just a financial incentive; it’s a powerful tool that encourages and rewards innovation within businesses. By claiming R&D tax relief, your company can enjoy several advantages, including:

1. Reduced Tax Liabilities: Research & Development tax credits can significantly reduce your company’s tax liability, allowing you to allocate more resources to further innovation and growth.

2. Cash Rebates: For eligible SMEs, R&D tax relief can result in cash rebates, providing immediate financial support.

3. Funding for Innovation: By claiming R&D tax relief, you can free up capital to invest in research and development, creating a cycle of continuous innovation and growth.

Are You Eligible for R&D Tax Credits?

Not every project or company qualifies for R&D tax relief. To benefit from these incentives, you should meet certain criteria, including:

Engaging in Qualifying R&D Activities

Your project must involve activities that can be considered “R&D” for tax purposes. This typically means that you are solving scientific or technological uncertainties.

HR Services

Being a UK Limited Company

To claim R&D tax relief, your business should be a UK limited company liable for Corporation Tax.

Get in touch

We are inspired by helping innovative businesses grow. Regardless of whether you are a business or an adviser, we’d love the opportunity to talk and find out how we can help you.